Coffee and Climate: How Climate Impacts Coffee with Hacienda Iluminada

Coffee is a magical plant and a necessity for most humans but it's also a very delicate plant that needs extra love and care. Hacienda Iluminada is located in the highest mountains of Maricao,  Puerto Rico in a very pleasant climate, perfect for coffee and its cultivation. But what happens when coffee plants are exposed to unstable weather conditions? How can farmers handle this issue? Well sit back, relax, and get ready to learn. On the Hacienda Iluminada blog, we will discuss how climate change can impact coffee production.

Climate Change & Coffee 

Coffee plants need a certain climate to flourish, temperature they depend on rain and certain temperatures. When something is too much or too long it can affect us. Just like we get affected by extreme weather, coffee plants can also be impacted by too much humidity, rain, or dry temperatures. If the climate is not ideal, it could slow the growth of coffee plants. 

Temperature is crucial for coffee. If there is a considerable climate increase the growth cycle can be affected leading to low production of coffee cherries. Coffee plants are also exposed to pests and worms that can attack the coffee plants and if exposed to a certain temperature it can cause leaf rust which is a fungus that can affect the healthiness of the plant.

Irregular rain in the area can also affect coffee.  Yes, coffee ned water but like we said, too much of something can be dangerous. In Hacienda Iluminada case, Puerto Rico is a very humid region with a good amount of rain but when there is an increase in rain we run the risk of our coffee plantation being damaged. This can cause water stress during periods of the coffee growing cycle. Too much rain conditions can also create fungal diseases which are damaging to coffee plants

Dry climate on coffee pants can affect coffee in a bad way, just like humans we can't be exposed to the sun or hot temperatures for too long because we can get frustrated and we can even dehydrate. Something similar happens to coffee plants, in this type of weather, plant growth can be affected and even the taste of the coffee can change! The coffee beans can mature too quickly, which can lead to a less flavorful cup of coffee. This is why it's important to use shade trees and careful watering to make sure our plants stay healthy even with high temperatures! 

If it’s GOOD for earth, it is GOOD FOR YOU!

How can You Help Your coffee plants? 

At Hacienda Iluminada, we are acutely aware of these challenges and are actively implementing strategies to mitigate the impact of climate change on our coffee production.

  1. Shades! shade can help your plantation with these irregular climate changes. Shades can help protect plants from temperature extremes and create a satisfying climate that is more stable for their growth. Shades also help with the  soil moisture 

  • Take care of the water! Water is important for the planet, for humans, animals and plants. Set a system that can help your plants get water easily. At Hacienda Ilumianda we have rainwater mills and natural springs that help us with the process of our coffee beans.

  • Soil: If plants have a Healthy soil it acts as a buffer to climatic extremes. With the  practice of organic farming, we enhance our soil's health and its ability to absorb carbon, which also helps mitigate the broader impacts of climate change.

In conclusion…  

Climate is one of the many challenges farmers face in coffee farms. Climate change is something that is affecting the planet every day, this is why at Hacienda Iluminada the care of the planet is very important!  This is why our mission at Hacienda Iluminada is to be eco-friendly with different sustainable practices we do daily. Small daily changes can have a great impact on the environment. 

As humans, you can make a great impact, by supporting farms that use sustainable practices, being mindful of the impact of the products you purchase, and making small changes in your daily routine, you can help to have a cleaner planet.